While volatility persists in all market sectors, there will be times that DFE will be taking protection in our bids and/or going no-bid for the protection of our owners. 

We ask that customers please call to make grain transactions during active trading hours on the Chicago Board of Trade when DFE is open for business,

Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 1:20 pm. 

Outside of the times listed above, we're happy to work firm offers for grain marketing needs. 

Please work with DFE staff for all of your grain marketing needs.  We appreciate your loyalty!


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Danvers location only Cash Bids
Delivery Start Delivery End Cash Price Basis Futures Price Futures Change
Quotes are delayed, as of July 27, 2024, 03:28:53 AM CDT or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.

Local Weather

Ag Commentary
Cattle Post Mixed Trade, with Feeders Rallying
Live cattle futures saw mixed trade on Friday, with contracts anywhere from 37 cents lower to 50 cents higher. Cash trade was quiet this week, with a few sales of $190 in the South and $197-198 in the North, both a $1-2 improvement from the week prior. Feeder cattle futures...
Soybeans Collapse on Friday as Bulls Limited Ammo Dries Up
Soybeans gave back all of the gains in the August contract for this week and most of November’s on Friday, as contracts fell 28 to 38 ½ cents into the close. Product pressure was in play, especially from the Soy Oil futures, which were down 219 points. Soymeal futures were...
Hogs Mixed on Friday
Lean hogs closed out the Friday session with contracts mixed, anywhere from 30 cents lower to 40 cents higher. The USDA National Base Hog price was reported at $82.13 on Friday afternoon, down $2.38 from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index was $91.39 on July 24, up 62...
Wheat Fall to New Low on Friday
The wheat complex was in near free fall mode heading into the weekend, with losses across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures were down 13 to 15 cents. Kansas City HRW contracts were 16 cents lower in the front months as they hit fresh multi-year lows. MPLS spring wheat was...
Cotton Heads Lower on Friday
Cotton futures were pulled lower on Friday, as contracts were down 72 to 116 points on the day. The outside markets had some effect, as crude as down $1.85/barrel on the session. CFTC data showed managed money spec funds in cotton futures and options adding 4,357 contracts to their net...
Corn Gives Back Gains on Friday as Bears Resume Selling
Corn futures ended the Friday session with losses 10 to 11 ½ cent losses across most contracts. The weekly gain for September was 4 cents as Dc was up just over a nickel. The weekly Commitment of Traders report showed specs in corn futures and options covering 24,847 contracts from...

Daily Market news

7/25/24 Commentary:

Ukraine FOB corn prices continue to strengthen, up $5 per Metric tonnes yesterday to $203. And, now at a $12.25 ($.31/bu) premium to Gulf corn. This contrasts with close to a $40 per tonne discount at this time last year. Price activity there continues to suggest Ukraine will not be much of factor for the remainder of the summer and into late fall, given very limited old crop supplies and declining production prospects for the up-coming harvest.



  • Export Sales report at 7:30 am CDT--trade estimates; Corn: 8-28 million bu. for 23/24; 4-24 for 24/25
  • Ethanol grind: 1,095,000 barrels/day for week ending July 19, down 1.0% compared to last week and up fractionally vs. last year. Stocks were 23.723 mb, up 0.563 mb from the prior week and well above the average trade estimate of a 0.321 increase
  • Consultant: Argentina 23/24 corn est. unchanged at 46.0 million metric tons (USDA: 52.0)
  • neutral to slightly lower bias going forward
  • corn 79.2% harvested late last week
  • nationwide yield should continue to decline until harvest is done
  • Funds buy 3, more short covering and above normal August heat



  • Trade estimates for USDA Export Sales report (week ending July 18)
  • Beans: 4-15 for 23/24; 18-33 for 24/25
  • Meal: 50-400 for 23/24; 226-400 for 24/25
  • Oil: 0-10 for 23/24; 0-15 for 24/25
  • Private sources are suggesting that China’s soybean import coverage for September-December is barely 33% of the past 3-year average
  • ANEC projecting Brazil July soymeal exports at a record 2.4 million metric tons
  • The USDA will begin surveys this week for the Crop Production report on Aug. 12. This will be the first survey-based est. of soybean yields
  • Funds sold 5 SB, 5 BO and bot 2SM. Aug Crush, +$.01 @ $1.51



Futures for the major stock indices point to another down day for Tech.

WALL STREET FUTURES - Mostly weaker:

Dow, +50; S&P, -13.5; NAS, -81

Asia - Weaker:

Nikkei, -1.81%; Shanghai, -

Hang Seng, -1.61%

EUROPE - Weaker:

DAX, -1.3%; FTSE, -0.93%; CAC -2.01%

August Gold: $-42.3 @2,373

September CRUDE: $-1.4 @$76.19

Sep U.S. Dollar Index: -0.227 @104.122

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange